Monday, 28 September 2020

Why Does Academic Proofreading Add Value to Your Writing?

Being in academics, it is likely that you will make fewer mistakes in writing compared to someone who is not. However, despite so much care and understanding, it has been seen that academic writing often cites inexplicable mistakes. Therefore, the best way to avoid them is to get your work checked by professional proofreading services.

Academic writing is done by skilled academicians or students who are cautious about their language usage, grammar, and spellings. They naturally take great pains to produce competent and error-free papers that result in good reading. It could be a dissertation or a thesis, an essay, or a research paper. However, I have often heard guides and teachers complain that, even after conscientious effort, articles lack proofreading.

As a writer, in a bid to complete on time, you are under stress and may fail to scrutinize blatant faux pas in their writing. As an examiner, I found a few areas that can be improved. I advise, regardless of how confident you are with your writing, to arrange a final check from proofreading services which will add value to your writing.

Spelling mistakes

Regarding the use of ‘to’ and ‘too’, I would say that a grade three student would know the difference and I am sure that most academicians do so too. However, sadly this is one mistake I find appearing ever so often.

‘To’, is used to connect two sentences and coordinate them in the same clause,


‘Too’, indicates something to a degree of excess or possible, permissible.

I am not offering an example as I am sure the difference is known to all. I believe that people who do not write their papers and rely on the audio version of MS Word, to write their academic script, end up having this error. Therefore, this is more reason to proofread or ask proofreading services for help.

Missing comma after a coordinating conjunction

Do you remember in your school days how your English teacher emphasized the comma after a coordinating conjunction? These words are used to bridge two independent clauses (two different and complete thoughts). A sentence has a complete thought with a subject and a verb.

When you are using an introductory word or phrase or clause in a sentence, place a comma between the introductory statement and the sentence that proceeds the introduction, and is the main thought in the sentence. The best way to analyze this is that even if you remove the first part of the sentence the second part will not lose its meaning.

E.g.: There are many shops down that sell pita bread in Egypt, but there is a favourite one that I prefer.

Susan took the day off to be by herself, yet the pain of loneliness made her get back to her work.

Even if you feel confident, proofread, or hire professional proofreading services to help you.


This is a habit that many academicians indulge in. To get their views across there is a superfluous usage of extra sentences or words to get their point across. This makes the meaning of the sentence or paragraph more complex.

Wordy: In order to celebrate her birthday, in just the way she deemed right, she walked to the market and purchased a cake, that echoed with her childhood memories and brought back fine thoughts of her parents again to life.


She thought that the cake was the best way to celebrate her birthday. She bought one that her parents usually got. It rekindled the memories of her childhood.

Breaking the sentence up into smaller parts makes it easy to grasp for the readers.

These are the commonest mistakes that I have spotted. Of course, the list is larger and varied. But this is a good way to start a tutorial. Grammar has its nuances and learning it again with your academic pressure might be difficult. I would emphatically recommend, an extremely competent and precision-oriented proofreading service that will help you improve your work. They have reasonable charges and offer quality services.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Well-written Documents are Half the Battle Won

There are a few considerations that must be kept in mind while editing documents. It is best to get your document checked by professional document editors who will help you to overcome not just your basic mistakes but will also enrich your text to make the right impact.

Have you ever considered why error-free documents amount to good reading? I would like to give a short example. In less reputed tabloids, you may often embark on articles or writings that have not maintained proper punctuation or there is improper usage of words, typo errors, etc. The natural reaction of the reader is to refrain from further reading. This implies that your language and its correctness validate the substance produced by you. That is the precise reason why correctness in documents is necessary, and professional editors are your sole saviours in this respect.

Setting tone and language

When you reach out to a professional document editing service, they help you in more ways than one. They discuss the tone and language that you wish to maintain in your document. With the correct changes, they maintain consistency in tone and language, eliminate words and phrases that do not reflect the desired tone, fix a single tense for the document and maintain a first- or third-person viewpoint throughout the entire article meticulously.

Harping on clarity

While addressing a document, editors find that amateur writers often lose clarity of thought and get confused. It is the role of professional editors to delve deep into the author’s mind through their writing, to bring about a homogeneous thought reflected from start to finish. Academic papers put a lot of emphasis on this aspect and therefore, it is important to understand the need for clarity in your document.

Adhering to the style guide

Following one style guideline helps you score better. Every university follows one of these guides: Modern Language Association (MLA), Chicago Manual of Style, Associated Press (AP) Stylebook, or the American Psychological Association (APA). You need to inform the editor about the one that your university follows, and the rest is their work. They know the different guidelines and conscientiously frame your article within the set lines.

Identifying your inherent mistakes

There are many rewards of working with a professional editor. You may be confident with your writing, but every author makes some errors that they are unaware of. They repeat their mistake unknowingly each time they write a dissertation or respond to impromptu answers from question sheets in examinations. Working with a professional document editing service helps you recognize some set incorrect patterns that you have always been making. As a writer, it allows you to look more intently at your drawbacks.

Starting on a clear note

Many young writers feel that editing services do not do proper justice to their document. Thoughts get translated into something that was not intended. It is very important to have a good verbal or written discussion with the document editing service to ensure that this discrepancy does not happen. A clear discussion of the goals that you wish to achieve from your writing should be defined even before the editor takes up the task of editing your document. Once this is established, you will discover the advantages of employing competent editors.


Editing has its challenges and it is difficult to please the original writer if you are not sure of your skills. Professional document editing services offer highly qualified editors holding masters or higher degrees in the English Language. Skilled service providers of the stature of only work with native English editors, who have an inborn understanding and familiarity with the language. That makes a document flawless and appear lucid.