Non-native English speakers may have mastered the language; however, they still fall short when it comes to a lot of peculiar quirks. Why let them trip up your writing; opt for native English editors instead!
There are many different options in English editing services. While reputation, experience, subject matter expertise and costs play a significant role in the decision, writers should also find out if the editor is a native English speaker or not.
This criterion may seem superfluous at first as very many people who have learnt English as a second language display an excellent command of it– they speak it fluently, use it excellently in their writing and display enough familiarity to catch errors as well.
However, without any offence to those who have imbibed English into their system, it cannot be denied that those who are born with English as their mother tongue have an intrinsic edge over the rest of the population.
This criterion may seem superfluous at first as very many people who have learnt English as a second language display an excellent command of it– they speak it fluently, use it excellently in their writing and display enough familiarity to catch errors as well.
However, without any offence to those who have imbibed English into their system, it cannot be denied that those who are born with English as their mother tongue have an intrinsic edge over the rest of the population.
Why does it matter?
Every language comes with its own share of idiomatic words and expressions. While non-native English speakers are familiar with a lot of the peculiar nuances, there will still be many figurative expressions and clichés that are lost on them. This can affect their editing and in turn, the quality of the final document.
Then again, people who hail from a different mother tongue cannot be expected to understand all the atypical nuances of another language. And English is infamous for its eccentric turns that can trip up the most verbose of speakers. Grasping the cadence of the language in its vernacular form can be an imposing challenge as well. At times, they may fail to understand slang usage too!
The fact remains that native speakers will always think and speak in their own language while many non-native ones often tend to subconsciously think in their own language and then translate it into English (and vice versa for written text). While this is supposed to aid understanding in their day-to-day interactions, it will impact their editing abilities to the extent of leading to miscommunication.
Apart from these characteristic differences, native speakers are more in touch with the constantly evolving nature of their native language.
Going by the above traits, engaging the services of a native English editor will eliminate ambiguity while ensuring perfection of the edited document! Apart from the quality of the service, they will also be able to communicate more easily and effectively with the writer.
And this is where HKNETS trumps other regular editing services. Their native English team provides top-of-the-line results without messing with the essence of the language used by the writer.
However, a native English speaker cannot expect to automatically qualify as an editor here. They have a rigorous vetting process that is based on technical grammar skills, familiarity with academic writing and knowledge of editing principles. Apart from being skilled and experienced editors, they are also subject matter experts who will be familiar with the topics that they are working on.
Can one ask for any more?

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