Why is consistency so important in writing? Inconsistent writing diverts the mind of the reader by creating obstacles, robbing clarity and makes the writing incomprehensive. Therefore, maintaining consistency in writing is essential. Let us discuss some basic ways of maintaining consistency in writing.
If you have put in the best efforts to draft your thesis but your thesis has format and language inconsistencies, it will not deliver the result you expected. So how to manage inconsistencies and eliminate them altogether from your format and language is important. Here are some suggestions.
The misuse of punctuation.
The use of a serial comma can be misleading. For example, the farmer’s family had enough food and cattle, slept on hay at night. Here the writer wished to convey that the cattle slept on hay, but the comma misleads and confuses the sentence. Proofreading the sentence would naturally lead to a correction; therefore, it is important to either read your writing carefully yourself or rely on professional proofreading services.
Improper capitalization
Capital letters are used to start a sentence or for proper nouns. If you improperly use capital letters you leave the readers wondering about the usage and deflect their concentration from the main text.
Number writing consistencies
If you are using cardinal numbers in the text, then maintain the pattern all through be it in numerical (1,2,3…) or words (one, two, three….). If using ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd....) keep using that all through the text. Don’t let the formats get mixed up in your text.
Hyphens are used to create compound words where words are paired together such as long-term. A hyphen also tells readers that you wish to elaborate on something indicating a new meaning. Such as 'Eiffel Tower- The dawning light of French architecture'. Thus, the hyphen needs to be used discreetly so that the reader understands what is being referred to in the text rather than having to reread for understanding.
Variation in word usage
If you keep repeating the same words, the reader will lose interest. It will also reflect a limited vocabulary. Try to use appropriate synonyms and not the same word again and again. Use words befitting the context and know their meaning before applying them.
The use of voice, tone and style
Decide on the tone of your writing; many thesis proofreading services indicate that the tone and the voice are the areas writers tend to mix-ups. Determine the tone for your writing. If it is a thesis, it essentially should follow a formal third-person tone. And the style will have to be technical.
Getting your writing checked by a professional proofreading service like HKNETS will make your writing free from these inconsistencies. Contact them at https://www.hknets.net/ even if you consider yourself a good writer, as inconsistency is one of the commonest errors that people tend to make.

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